Our Team
Meet the Wild & Immersive team

Not only will you spend time communing with nature and making new friends at Wild & Immersive, you’ll also be interacting with our fun and knowledgeable staff.
Learn about our paths towards outdoor learning, our passion for the environment, and why we became involved with Wild & Immersive.

Field Education Manager
Victoria has a B.Sc. in Biology and a masters in Ecological Restoration. Her passion for terrestrial ecosystem recovery led her to Wild & Immersive because she believes the first step in combating the current environmental crisis is to empower individuals to get out and enjoy their own backyards. Through exploration of the natural environment, comes curiosity, and curiosity seeks knowledge.

W&I Coordinator
Originally from Northern Ontario, Christiane Smoroden graduated from Laurentian University with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences and complemented her academic journey with a certificate in Environmental Monitoring and Impact Assessment from Cambrian College. Christiane has been an integral part of the Wild & Immersive team since 2018.

Outdoor Educator
After finishing a diploma in Outdoor Leadership at CBC in Abbotsford, she’s currently working towards a BA in Applied Leadership. Several summers working at a camp as a lifeguard, teaching outdoor activities, and a year with BC Parks as a student park ranger led her to Wild & immersive. Her focus is ecological restoration and public outreach to inform others on animal safety and leave no trace principles.

Program Facilitator