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Special Events

From No Growth to Old Growth

Saturday April 5, 2025


Maple Ridge

The journey of a forest exceeds the lifespans of humans – yet every day, every season there are dynamics at play. Forests are ever changing – but these changes are hard to see on short timelines.

Join Hélène Marcoux, ecologist, forester and manager of the Research Forest, on a 3-hour tour of 500+ years of forest dynamics. Experience the changes and processes that shape coastal forests over centuries and learn about some of the research, knowledge and biodiversity of the forest.

The Malcolm Knapp Research Forest has been shaped by many different factors over the last 500 years: fires, forest harvesting and management, major wind storms, disease and insects, and even wildlife. Come discover the journey of a forest – from no growth, to old growth.

This unique 3-hour van tour will bring you to different parts of this UBC Research Forest – a place of learning and research since 1949.